Blinds control system
“Smart Office” blinds control system offers two main functions. First – it optimizes the use of daylight in your office. Its main purpose is to protect a particular workplace from direct sunlight. Second – the system carries out blinds control to optimize the office heating, ventilation and air conditioning expenditure. If you seek to save as much money that you spend on heating taxes or maintenance of air conditioners as possible, this “Smart Office” solution is just for you.
Blinds control system will allow you to save 30-40 percent of costs on electric energy used to illuminate or condition the premises.
- You will be able to control the position of blinds or parking lot gate by means of switches, remote controls, computers, pads or touch screen of a mobile phone.
- You can raise the blinds as much as you want – the “Smart Office” system offers an opportunity to specify the percentage of raising the blinds.
- The blinds can be controlled individually or in groups.
- The blinds can protect against over-heating of the premises – thus, air conditioning costs are reduced.
- As the sun turns into your office windows, the blinds are automatically lowered – the light will not interfere with the work of the office staff.
- The blinds are included in the modes, which also control lighting, heating and other systems.